Tuesday 21 January 2014

21 January 2014 Documentation

It's lesson 10, which is the week for my artefact alpha testing.

My progress so far is able to digitize until the 6th pages of my storyboard.

I also manage to do simple parallax animation by using the storyboard I have digitized so far.The first problem I have found is the masking of the panel. I do not want my panels visible to the audience before they entering the canvas. Luckily I found another tutorial on how to do this easily with using the scroll effect of the elements which is set the scrolling of the an image to horizontal 0px and vertical 0px to make it as the mask to hide the panels before they entering the canvas.

Here are the result of my alpha test:

At this moment, I discovered a big issue, which is I am not able to stop my panel at certain pixel by using Adobe Muse. One of my lecturer actually suggest me to switch to Adobe Edge Animate since Adobe Muse had this limitation and I am not able to search for any solutions.

YouTube. 2014. Adobe Muse CC Parallax Scrolling Tutorial | Scrolling Image Masks. [online] Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m2Lg241e3A [Accessed: 21 Jan 2014]. Annotation: The tutorial I found on Youtube on how to use static image to mask the unwanted area of the stage of my browser. Very useful for me as I don’t want readers to see my comic panels before they entering the stage / canvas.

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