Wednesday 1 January 2014

1 January 2014 Documentation

It's a Happy New Year! Well, I still need to continue my project though...

In this few days, I have forced myself very hard to complete the entire storyboard so that I have extra time to do the amendment if needed before going back to school. So, here are the storyboard that I have drawn with all my efforts:

So, basically here are all my storyboard sketches. To be honest, I decided to create a hypercomic artefact because I personally like to read Japanese comic, also known as "Manga", since I was a child. Doraemon was the first manga I have read and from that experience, I am addicted to reading comic and hope that someday I might able to draw my own comic. When I know that the assignment for STI part B can be any topic and any artefact, the first idea that struck into my mind is comic! However, I am a interactive media design student, so normal comic will not suite my study, so I decided to create an interactive digital comic, which is also known as hypercomic for my STI part B assignment.

However, after doing so many researches and sketching, I only realize that drawing a comic is not as easy as I thought earlier. Great drawing skills is not the only requirement to be a successful comic author. To be a successful comic author, one also needs to have insight to create his/her own style which I am lack of now. I think this is the very essential factor to attract comic fans because based on my understanding, successful comic authors such as Eiichiro Oda and Mashashi Kishimoto have their own style of comic drawing that hard to be copied by other people.

When creating my storyboard, I also facing problems on drawing characters' poses. The poses I have drawn look awkward and thus I have to look for some examples done by some expert from the internet:

So here are some references for me to draw my character poses. I have learnt from my previous lesson that do not confuse myself with tons of tutorials, so I just pick a few of them that suite my storyboard and start practice on them to avoid myself falling into dilemma again.

References: n.d. Male Action Poses 01 by Chilord on deviantART. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 1 Jan 2014]. Annotation: One of the most useful character posing I found on deviantart. Some of y character posing actually referring to this tutorial. 2008. Kingston Art works ( 2D 3D SketchBoard ): November 2008. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 1 Jan 2014]. Annotation: This author has drawn so many character posing and has give me tons of references on diffenrent character posing. However, most of his posing art style is very hard for me to implicate into "Chibi" character posing, maybe my drawing skills still not good enough to do so.

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