Saturday 16 November 2013

16 November 2013 Documentation

After spending a few days working on the learning plan and project proposal, I am able to finish them a day before the submission date, which I am quite satisfied with.

At first, I am quite confuse about the difference of learning plan and proposal, because in my primary perception, both of them are the same. It take me more than a day to figure out the their differences. Apparently, learning plan is a guideline for me to conduct my learning process for what I going to learn in the following 12 weeks, while the project proposal is the description of what I am going to produce in the following 12 weeks. 

While doing the learning plan and project proposal, I still need to spare some time on create a Gantt Chart as my production timeline for the following 12 weeks. Personally, I think the Gantt Chart is the hardest thing to produce among the three things that I need to submit on next Monday. I am not a very good time-managed person, so it give me a lot of head pain to figure out a proper Gantt Chart that is achievable by me.

Last but not least, here are 3 example of hypercomic that I find may be my benchmark for my project:
  1. Tron Legacy
  2. NIKO and The Sword of Light
  3. Our Toyota was Fantastic

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