Tuesday 26 November 2013

26 November 2013 Documentation

It's week 4 already. According to my Gantt Chart, I should already started developing ideas, refining storyline, study character design, doing sketches, study comic panel management, digitize basic user interface, study HTML5 coding, study Adobe Edge Animate and Muse. However, what I manage to keep track on is just study character design...

It's very stressful to think about the Gantt Chart time table. Today, I managed to have another discussion with my lecturers. During the discussion, we mainly discuss about story flow of my hypercomic. From their advises, I know that I my primary storyline is lack of interactivity. They suggest me to create different endings for different decisions made by users rather than creating a boring loop that do not provide much interactivity. After the discussion, I suddenly have a flash of idea that I can make different characters save the day for the ending of my story.

About the character design studying, I am quite happy that I had done some progress on them. I manage to find a book in the school library that have some interesting "Chibi" character design. The book name is "New Species: Contemporary Character Design Made In Asia", it showcase all the successful character design done from Asian designers and here are some photos of pages that I find useful for my project development:

I actually start drawing some samples of my characters by referring to the references I have found:

Well, that properly what I have done for this few days. I am aware that I have started to lost track of my Gantt Chart schedule, so I will constantly remind myself to keep going on.

Narain, S. 2007. New Species: Contemporary Character Design Made In Asia. Singapore: Page One. Annotation: This book showcase some of the successful Asian Character Designers and have some interviews with these designers. From the examples shown in this book, I managed to get some inspiration that may be useful in creating my own "Chibi" characters.

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