Tuesday 19 November 2013

19 November 2013 Documentation

Finally submit the STI part A, now is the really hard time production, STI part B. Well, after discussing with my lecturers today, I know I need to start finding art style and create the content, which is the story of my comic. 

My primary idea is "Chibi" art style, usually refer to cartoon characters that have larger head and smaller body proportion. At first, I don't know the term for this kind of big head small body character is known as "Chibi", and Wikipedia is the one which teach me the term is known as "Chibi". This is very helpful to me as after I know the term, I manage to looked for tons of reference from the internet. From what I understand from the reseach I have done, "Chibi" characters' eyes usually very big and are rich in facial expressions. Here are some examples that I had found as my comic characters' benchmark:

For the storyline, basically I just had a rough idea about the story flow, still haven't think of details about the story. From my lecturers advices, I know that I should create a complete storyline first before starting other work, because a complete storyline can help me estimate the project scale so that I can scale them down if the storyline is too long.

Wikipedia. 2010. Chibi (term). [online] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chibi_(term) [Accessed: 19 Nov 2013]. Annotation: This website teach me that the term for cute character that have big head and small body is known as "Chibi", and help me improve my research as after I know the term, I can look for more specific search result from the internet.

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