Tuesday 5 November 2013

5 November 2013 Documentation

This is the first week of my Authoring Interactive Narrative class. I was briefed by my lecturers about the project we need to produce in this semester. We got 2 assignments this semester, which are Specialist Technical Inquiry (STI) part A and B. In STI part A, we need to produce a learning plan, a project proposal and a Gantt chart while in STI part B, we need produce the digital artefacts that we propose on STI part A and record the learning process in a blog. According to my lecturers, the assignments in this semester are focus on learning process rather than the finished artefact.

In this first week, I need to start thinking of what I want to produce for this module and define my project outcome, which are what I want to learn through this semester on the following weeks. We were given lectures on proper ways to do our learning plan and project proposal by referring to SMART targets. It was quite a complicated subject, after the lectures, I know I still need to do my own study from the internet to get a better understanding about SMART targets.

In this week class, we also given the format of project outcome and need to submit the project outcome to our lecturers on the second week. My lecturer, Zui, also give us some example of interactive art reference which he wish to give us some clues and inspiration about what we should produce for this module. From his reference, I see a lot of them are interactive art installations, which I think are too hard to accomplish individually in just 12 weeks, so I decided to do a smaller scale digital artefacts.

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