Friday 13 December 2013

13 December 2013 Documentation

Its the end of week 6 already, and next Monday is the Work In Progress sharing session, so I have try my best to do as much progress as possible to make sure I can get effective feedbacks about my project sharing.

For this few days, I have focused myself on creating my main characters of the story. First of all, I have found a lots of tutorials on how to draw "Chibi" characters and learnt from them on how to divide the body proportion of "Chibi" characters. Here are some of the tutorials that I have found, and most of them are actually get from Deviantart:
A very nicely explained tutorial on drawing chibi character step by step. This is the first session of the tutorial, basically focus on introduction. The second session of the tutorial, basically teach me step by step how to start drawing the anatomy and big head of the chibi characters. The last session of the tutorial, basically refine the anatomy and put more details onto the character.

This is indeed a mega chibi tutorial. It consists of almost each and every element on how to draw a chibi character properly in one single page, although the height is a bit long. This is the main tutorial I get on drawing dynamic body shape of chibi character.

This tutorials show me some inspiration of simplicity "Chibi" chracter design. However, different from his point of view, I think the arms and legs of the characters should be from wide to narrow.

In addition, I also manage to find a useful flash application on deviantart that can be a good reference for me when creating my own characters for my hypercomic. Here is the link: Chibi MakerIt is a very convenient little helper that give me inspiration about "Chibi" characters' hair and clothing designs.

From all this tutorials, I started to develop my own character, and this is how the prototype look like:

From my lecturers, I know that in order to develop a memorable character, I need to create some special characteristic that relevant to the character. For example, the character I draw above is a Fire Ninja, and thus I try to draw his hair style look like burning fire, and a eye catching fire logo on his shirt. As a ninja, I also draw some basic equipment packs on some part of his body, make him look more relevant to a ninja. This is just a prototype, I will add in more details when I start to digitize it into the computer.

References: n.d. Mega Chibi Tutorial by Calvariae on deviantART. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 21 Nov 2013]. Annotation: This is indeed a mega chibi tutorial. It consists of almost each and every element on how to draw a chibi character properly in one single page, although the height is a bit long. This is the main tutorial I get on drawing dynamic body shape of chibi character.

Character, H. n.d. How to Draw a Chibi Character. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 19 Nov 2013]. Annotation: This is the first website pop into my eye when I looked for tutorial on drawing chibi character online. Despite the website design, it is a very useful website for me to learn the basic of drawing chibi character. n.d. Chibi Tutorial: LineART by emi-ku on deviantART. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 19 Nov 2013]. Annotation: The tutorial pose by this author is a bit complicated. From what I have understood, the style used by this author to draw chibi character is complicated style, a very different style compared to most of the simple drawing chibi character. It is my first tutorial sample on how to draw a complicated chibi character. n.d. Chibi Maker 1.1 by gen8 on deviantART. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 19 Nov 2013]. Annotation:  A very useful little helper flash application I should say about this reference. I get my character hair style from here to get the inspiration of drawing stylish hair style and also fashionable clothing from this little helper application. Strongly recommended! n.d. Chibi Tutorial by manic-goose on deviantART. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 13 Dec 2013]. Annotation:
This tutorials show me some inspiration of simplicity "Chibi" chracter design. However, different from his point of view, I think the arms and legs of the characters should be from wide to narrow. n.d. Eye Tutorial by manic-goose on deviantART. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 21 Nov 2013]. Annotation: A little tutorial on how to draw an attractive eye on chibi character. The soul of the chibi character is their big big eye, so from this tutorial, I learn to create the soul for my chibi characters. n.d. Chibi Tutorial - 1 by mooncats5 on deviantART. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 19 Nov 2013]. Annotation: A very nicely explained tutorial on drawing chibi character step by step. This is the first session of the tutorial, basically focus on introduction. n.d. Chibi Tutorial - 2 by mooncats5 on deviantART. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 19 Nov 2013]. Annotation: A very nicely explained tutorial on drawing chibi character step by step. This is the second session of the tutorial, basically teach me step by step how to start drawing the anatomy and big head of the chibi characters. n.d. Chibi Tutorial - 3 by mooncats5 on deviantART. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 19 Nov 2013]. Annotation: A very nicely explained tutorial on drawing chibi character step by step. This is the last session of the tutorial, basically refine the anatomy and put more details onto the character.

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