Sunday 22 December 2013

22 December 2013 Documentation

Charlie Chaplin says that “A day without laughter is a day wasted”. For me, a day without drawing new comic plot for my project is a day wasted.

I am not a misanthrope.

Just that I feel a bit tired and exhausted with my current life. Momentum seems to be leaking out of me every second. Going out for a walk to get some fresh air? Nah, I shall just sit at home. Searching for online resources? Oh well, why are things getting harder to understand recently? Sketch some new comic plot? Ok, but what should I draw? The brain is not cooperating. It disagrees to brainstorm for me.

There are no new ideas, no inspiration… 

Perhaps I should take a day off? But I had been sleeping for more than 10 hours…
What’s wrong with me? I shall stop looking for excuses to run away from my duty and responsibility                                                                             
I need a light-house 
A light source that can guide me;
directing me to my goals                                                                                              
and stop me from procrastinating.

One day is enough for such an unproductive day 
Hopefully things will get better by tomorrow 

PLEASE give me a reason to move on… 

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