Sunday 15 December 2013

15 December 2013 Documentation

Tomorrow is the Work In Progress sharing session, have try my very best to prepare all the things I needed to do the sharing. Besides creating a character prototype, I also manage to find so useful tips on how to manage my comic panel wisely. Although I haven't think of how to draw my comic panels yet, these tutorials will come in handy in the following weeks.
This is a very complete tutorials and the essences of the dynamic panelling is keep things varied, according to the author of this tutorial.

There are much more tutorials I have found such as:
From all these tutorials, I can conclude that:
  1. There must be padding between panels to avoid audiences confused about the intercepting panels.
  2. Before drawing actual comic size panels, start by drawing panel thumbnails and arrange them properly as a guide to avoid waste of time and energy.
  3. Never have more that 8 panels in a page of comic to avoid information overloaded and crowded looking comic panels.
  4. Avoid using only simple shapes to draw the comic panels, sometimes irregular shapes can make the comic looked more interesting.
  5. Always remember that western readers read from left to right. This is kind of hard for me to adapt as I am from Asian Chinese background which usually read from right to left.
  6. Use flow of panels and dialogue bubbles to guide the readers' eye direction , not confusing them.
  7. Do not have too many words in a single bubble, instead, divide them into several small bubbles.
References: n.d. comic panel tutorial by JigokuNeko on deviantART. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 15 Dec 2013]. Annotation: A very complete of tutorial explaining how to make a dynamic comic panelling to attract viewers' attention. I learnt a lot from this tutorials and know what should I do when creating my own comic panels. 2011. Manga Tutorials - Drawing Panels in Your Comic. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 21 Nov 2013]. Annotation:  A simple yet useful website for me to learn about panel management and how to create attractive comic panel flow.

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