Monday 16 December 2013

16 December 2013 Documentation

Well, today is the Work In Progress sharing session among the classmate. Although I have done enough of preparation, I still feeling a bit nervous as I am out of track if referring to my Gantt Chart schedule. I have prepare a Power Point slides as shown below:

After my presentation, I have received a lot of feedbacks from my peers and lecturers. First of all, my lecturers feels that my researches are too wide and some of them is even irrelevant to my project. It may seem awesome at the first glance but if I do not focus deeply into each of them, they are nothing but just a group of plain texts and images. Although the comments I get from my lecturers are a bit direct and hurt my feelings, after I considering their advises, I found out that what they mentioned are correct, I had totally lose my own directions because of tons of researches I have found and do not know to start learning from which tutorials. For example, instead of looking for so many "Chibi" tutorials, I should start finding a art style that suite me and start practice about the style. This feedback is definitely very important to me to avoid myself becoming Jack of all trades, master of none.

In addition, one of my lecturers also suggest me to stop looking for addition researches and start converging the researches I have found into something that can really benefits me. For example, how can "Chibi" art style link with ninja to create memorable characters? How can comic panel managements link with Adobe Muse to create interesting comic reading flow? All of this possibilities are what I should focus on instead of continue losing myself in searching for more and more tutorials. She advised me to stop researching and start filter, digest the information I have collected so far into something that can benefit my project.

Moreover, my lecturers also ask me to focus on 1 software and start to practice about it instead of putting myself in a dilemma about using which software to create my hypercomic. Usually having a backup plan is a good practice, but when it started to make me fall into dilemma, then is time for me to stop considering and dive into a software that I have selected. The factor that causing me in dilemma is that Adobe Muse do not have certain function provided by Adobe Flash, and thus I am worried that I am not able to finish my artefact on time. However, one of my lecturers convinced me to focus on my learning process, but not completing the artefacts as the mark given will be more on the learning process. They also suggest me to more practical by learning from practical classmates.

These are the feedbacks I have received from my sharing session. Although these feedbacks may be make me unpleasant, I am aware that they are correct guideline for me to be success in the future.

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